Wednesday, March 7, 2012

All Roads Lead Home

It has been a year of travels and a hell of an adventure. It starts with the unknown road and ends with a good deed, a twist of fate and a new home for a helpless husky that was set to die but destined to live.

All because of the good hearts and souls of people that loved her and the mission set forth by Carrie to make a difference in the world, one small dog at a time. I remember clearly her post on facebook stating it was time to put it to some good use and do something for the better of others. She chose to rescue and help adopt animals and to rally against all forms of animal abuse. Love your pet, love your people. Abuse is not tolerable.

Carrie and I hardly knew each other but knew we were destined to meet. Her vision was of us sharing a glass of wine in front of a fire 2 years ago. I too shared that vision that we would meet some day. From Connecticut to South Dakota? Fate and love lead us to that destiny and much of it was because of her commitment to people, her gift of music, her amazing ability to make people laugh and her commitment to the causes she so believes in with all her heart. I admire that and jumped on the bandwagon when given the chance to support it. It was never a plan to drive Millie all the way home but the right obstacles got in the way is called destiny.

I personally support volunteering as a way to show love and appreciation and gentle care unconditionally. The rewards are tremendous. Many people gave so much to see this rescue happen. Millie was going home to her new family that was waiting patiently on rugs, in windows (cats Bootsie and Charlie) and on pins and needles. So everyone that assisted in donating and supporting Millie's rescue, here is your REWARD! She is happy and alive and loved not just by Carrie and Roger but all of you who cared to save her life.

A 30 hour trip one way with bad weather in the forecast. We pursued and persevered through many stressful hours to get Millie home. Millie had a hard time adjusting at first as she was not happy in the car the whole time and needed to decompress at arrival to Custer South Dakota. She wanted so bad to be there, and settled but was a bit worried like we were with the weather forecast. SNOW and treacherous driving conditions were in the works for the second and final day of travel. (see Millie watching the news and nudging my luggage).

Meeting her new family and especially her husky siblings was slow moving at first, with the sniffing and the growls and the barks. Mostly from Millie as she was very stressed and confused. Her siblings, Nomad, Baste, Shasta and Sugar, only wanted to welcome her and play with her. They paced the house waiting for her to join them. But poor Millie needed to relax before she could absorb the idea of sharing. Poor Jules also needed to overcome the barks and growls and get over the fear of dogs!! As you can see these gentle giants are sweet as ever. Nomad wants to marry me. Always the first to give the morning kiss and paw. :)

Good news though, it all ended in playful happy harmony. Millie has her bed in the family bedroom next to Roger and a space on the floor with the kids in front of the TV. Oh and a doggy door that she has not yet mastered but is oh so curious about.

We can't thank Carrie and Roger enough as they were more than accommodating. Carrie is such a good cook. Even if she needs someone to jump in and save a meal due early turn in. Seriously though, they were so generous to offer meaningful gifts of appreciation, giving Judy a special belt buckle and a rain stick for fostering Millie in the interim. I never saw a rain stick. is way cool. Caught roger disassembling his special belt buckle and declaring it was time due to a recent weight gain, (yeah right) but all along he was offering it to Judy. Giving away something cherished with gratitude and love. Tearful right? yep. We had home cooked meals, gourmet coffees and cozy sleeps... and of course I personally got to sit on the side of Carrie as she performed live shows virtually from her office. Once on the other side over 2 years ago I was appreciating her music and talent and sense of humor so much that it led me right to her door. You may say Millie's destiny was planned long ago as it is hard to call it all coincidence. I think also that I was destined to share with Carrie / (Clairede Drival of Second Life) RUM 30!!!!! A Captain Morgan rum with coke and green olives. YUP...Had to toast it. I won't mention that after 2 drinks ...well lets just say she is a wimp. All talk. hahahaha. (Anyone seen Carrie?)

During the past year Judy and I have been given so much from everyone involved in our adventure. People shared family, housing, food, gifts, hotels, music, dinners, friendships, laughter, tears and most of all, lots of love. THANK YOU. This particular rescue adventure was a way to use our time not so much for ourselves but for a good cause. After all we mastered the road. Time is also a way to donate as it means so much. If you are not able to give monetary donations, think about maybe fostering your home for a good cause if you are able. Money always helps but time is so generous too!

This highly emotional visit came from love and friendship beyond boundaries. Departure was difficult but what great memories have been made. The moral of the story is to open your life, your heart, take a chance, give more, love more and drink like a teenager. Cheers all and thank you for following our adventure. Now go make your own!


  1. Sure a wonderful story, yours in the last year. I'm so happy to have been a part of it. You're family now. We do secret santa, so don't worry. Love to you, Julie, Judy, Carrie, Roger, Millie, Baste, Nomad, Shasta, Sugar, Charlie, Booties, and everyone touched! Thank you so much, ladies... for sharing your journey! (Ck, Vende Latte)

  2. I wanna do secret santa. I am so excited. LOL.

  3. Beautifuly said. :) Another year another adventure. Time to blaze a trail. If you have not ever done your own trail, it's time to learn!!! Millie is home. She has the routine down already, Rog has three princess's now, well four if you count Bootsie. (shes more of a terrorist). Love your last line Julie, "Now go make your own". For those who felt the emotions, who helped, who were a part of. Those feelings and actions don't have to stop here... there are other lives that need help. PLEASE take a stand, step up. Help a life be the best it can be. When you save an animal, show kindness, it is a priceless personal reward knowing you got off your ass, learned and used the word commitment. Self improvement starts with opeing the doors of action and kindness, first to yourself, then... to the ones with no voice. Thank you Judy & Julie for makeing us part of that big adventure in your lives. See you on the next path we may share :)

  4. This was clearly no easy task. But clearly a task of love! Everyone who shared, participated,donated and supported... you are all angels!
